Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Week 4, Day 2

Today we reviewed our nutrition talk.  We talked about how fruits and veggies provide vitamins and minerals that keep our body running and help our brains develop.  It sounds like a lot of the girls really put some effort into eating 5 fruits & vegetables each day!  We reviewed our MyPlate for those who missed Sunday, and went into more discussion about the benefits of fruits and vegetables, and the importance of eating many diferent colors of these foods.  The different colors have different functions:
  • Red - Healthy Heart
  • Orange/Yellow - Healthy Eyes
  • Green - Healthy Tummy
  • Blue/Pruple - Healthy Brain
  • White - Healthy immune system
The girls drew their own food rainbows in their journals, showing all the fruits & veggies of various colors that they like.  I was impressed with how many fruits/veggies they wanted to draw, and how in demand the only two green pencils were! 

After journals we played a short game to reinforce the various colors of the foods and their benefits.  The discs represented the various fruits, and when I yelled out a function such as "Healthy Eyes" the girls ran to grab the appropriate colored disc until each team had a full collection of healthy food choices.

After the game, it was time to run!  The goal for today was 8 laps, or two miles.  I can't believe our race is just two weeks away, this has gone by so fast!

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